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This guide provides an overview of important points to consider when then consumer apply for the Net Metering as per NEPRA (Alternative and Renewable Energy) Distributed Generation and Net Metering Regulation 2015. This guide attempts to walk the DISCO office and DISCO’s personnel through the different stages beginning from the application by the consumer up to the installation of Net Metering DG facility and the

About Net Metering

Net metering is an electricity policy for consumers who own Renewable Energy facilities which allows them to use electricity whenever needed while getting credit for contributing their production to the grid. Net metering is an electricity policy for consumers who own Renewable Energy facilities which allows them to use electricity whenever needed while getting credit for contributing their production to the grid.
This picture illustrates the flow of electricity from power generation via high voltage transmission and distribution utilities to the end-user who can now install a renewable energy facility and send t h e not needed electricity back to the distribution grid and earn credit for his export.


Pakistan has been facing energy crisis for the past few years as the demand and supply gap has widened. The country’s current energy demand far exceeds its generation resources, and facing an energy shortfall of 4000 MW as a result load-shedding and power blackout have become severe issue. Keeping in mind above issues The Government of Pakistan promotes investment in the generation of small scale distributed renewable energy, through the Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB), on the basis of net-metering concept.
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